Crisben Biohazard Spill Kit Blood and Body Fluid - SKBioBBF3
Crisben BIOHAZARD SPILL KIT Blood and Body Fluid (SKBioBBF3) comes in a kit for easy storage and deploy at any part of your site. The kit contains a range of absorbents and liquid coagulant (JeloSorb) with disinfectant* With a capacity of containing up to 3.7 litres of liquid Pathogenic Waste; vomit, blood, urine, biohazard and harmful liquids.
The contents of the spill kit is easy to use, deploy and clean up spills efficiently and also disinfects contaminated surfaces.
Jelosorb with Disinfectant acts as a liquid coagulant. It stops the flow, coagulates and disinfect pathogenic liquids aiding neutralisation of airborne infectious diseases. Coagulated liquid is also easier to clean-up.
The disinfectant in the JeloSorb is made up of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) which dissolves in water to form chlorine as Hypochlorous acid (HOCl).
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