Eco Permanent Booms
Our Permanent Boom protects against spills that will happen when they are not expected. Proven with years of service, around the clock protection.

Product Description
Crisben Permanent Booms – Provides 24 hours protection all year round
When you need 24 hour protection for facilities or vessels to contain spills in Ports around the clock, Crisben Eco Permanent Boom is designed for this specific application. Our Permanent Boom is a sentry against inadvertent spills proven with years of service in seawater. Bulkhead, cable risers, and service hardware allow the Permanent Boom to stay attached under and around piers and vessels self-adjusting for tidal fluctuations.
The belt is made of high quality natural rubber and fitted between a pair of orange HDPE Floaters, Crisben FloatCE-R-3. The striking orange colour identifies as an international marine warning sign. Crisben FloatCE-R-3 is filled with foam, thus, the float has a great buoyancy. Material used are proven to be durable and UV resistant.
Other accessories consist of metal connectors, hose floats, chain, shackles and many more. Crisben Booms are designed thoroughly, customized to suit your needs.
Our Products

Technical Specifications:
Available in different heights : 600mm, 750mm, 1000mm
Standard Section Length: 20 metres
Weight per meter : approx. 15 kg
Tensile Strength: > 300N/mm
Buoyancy : Rotationally Molded polyethylene shell / Orange color
Boom Fabric : 10 mm Woven Polyester screen coated Natural Rubber
Fabric weight : approx. 8 kgf/sqm</p
Boom Color : Black
High UV Resistance
Operational Temperature : -20 ℃ ~ +70℃
Buoyancy to weight : > 3:1