Eco PVC Fence Booms

Eco PVC Fence booms are light weight, take up small storage space and are easy to handle.  Fast and easy deployment for the OSRE team.

Product Description

Eco PVC Fence Booms are a fence-like boom used to contain oil spills on water. The fence boom is lightweight, occupies minimal storage space and is easy to handle and deploy in marine environments such as lakes, ponds and harbours. This type of Booms can be folded or rolled up for space saving storage. 

Where is this used?

  • Rivers and Estuaries
  • Ports and Wharfs
  • Jetty side pollution control
  • Water treatment plants
  • Lakes, Ponds

Our Products

General Specifications:

Available in different heights : 450mm, 550mm, 650mm, 750mm, 950mm, 1200mm, 1500mm
Fence Boom Fabric : Woven polyester screen coated with PVC
Fence Boom Color : Orange with UV Resistance treatment: Chemically resistant to acids, alkalis, solvents & hydrocarbons
Fence Boom Connections: Extruded aluminium  ASTM 962 standard 1200kgf/5cm