Spill Kits

We combine various absorbent products and PPE into a kit for a complete clean-up and emergency response. Recognised by certification bodies locally and internationally. 

Our Spill Kits

Crisben Universal Spill Kit

A complete solution in handling Chemical; from containment to total clean-up. Approved for use in many Environmental Compliance and ISO 14001, DOSH and Environmental Policies compliance certification exercises.

Crisben Oil Spill Kit

A complete solution in handling Oil; from containment to total clean-up. Approved for use in many Environmental Compliance and ISO 14001, DOSH and Environmental Policies compliance certification exercises.

Crisben Marine Spill Kit (SOPEP)

This Oil spill clean-up kit specially designed as part of SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) for oil spills in Marine environments. The kit contains a range of absorbents for oil/hydrocarbon spills on ships, lakes, estuaries, harbours and sea.

Crisben Mercury Spill Kit

The Mercury spill kit is designed for small Mercury spills from broken thermometer, thermostat/ Sphygmomanometer and other equipment containing Mercury.

Crisben Biohazard Spill Kit

This Biohazard Spill Kit comes in a pouch / disposable bag for easy storage and deployment. The kit contains a range of absorbents, especially for Pathogenic Waste spill clean-ups.

Crisben Spill Kit Cover

The Crisben Spill Kit Bin Cover is designed to prevent rain water seepage, pilferages and misusing Spill Kit Bin as a rubbish bin. Perfect for Bins placed outdoors. 

Articles on Spill Kits

Bintulu Tanker Accident, 1.5km Oil Spill. 26th April 2022.

Disposing contaminated sand; SW408 is costly. Alternatively, Crisben absorbent pads can be used for oil recovery and minimize SW408 disposal cost. Ultimately, preparedness and education ...
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Effects of Pollution feat. Sg Kim Kim Johor

Education and preparedness saves lives. When we talk about spill, in the back of our mind will be “what spill?”, “where is the spill” and ...
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Plane spraying dispersant on oil spill

The Global Debate Over a Controversial Chemical Used in Oil Spills

Oil Spill is a very common incident happen in this modern world due to unforeseen situation. During an oil spill, many type of tools, equipment ...
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